Enrolling and unenrolling from courses

Basically as a coach you will have access to all the courses in our library. However, a school can decide to make a selection of courses, for example when there's no coaches available for a certain course. A school will then put a 'lock' on these courses, so it's no longer possible to sign up for them.

Do you notice an interesting course that you would like to teach? Then you can sign up for it. Only when you have signed up for a course, your students can find you and select you as their coach. Complete this task immediately when you start working with the platform. As soon as you no longer teach a course, you can also leave the course again. In this article we explain how you can sign up for and leave a course.

1. Enrolling

As soon as you have logged into the platform for the first time, you will see a screen in which 'My courses' has automatically been selected. Here you will notice that your list is still empty. This might look something like the image below.

By clicking 'Add course' you can view and add anything from the entire library. 

Underneath 'Available courses' you will see that de courses have been sorted into different categories, for example short courses or generic programs. You can search by title or filter by profile or number of studying hours. You may also notice labels that for example indicate whether a course is popular, expected, or new. This may look something like this:

Do you notice an interesting course that you would like to view or coach? Then click the tile of the course. There will appear a button that says 'Enroll for course'. By clicking this button, you will sign yourself up as a coach for this course and participants can select you to guide them. Note: before you definitively add a course, a screen will appear in which you can check whether the course includes an exam. Always check this before you definitively click on 'Enroll for course'.

Does the course not contain an exam? Then decide, in consultation with the examination board, whether it is still possible for participants to take this course. Is it often an option to use an exam from another provider for example.


Are you no longer available as a coach for a certain course, for example because there are no longer any participants taking it, then you can also unenroll. You can do this three different ways. The first way is by hovering your mouse over the title of the course. A red button that says 'Unenroll' will appear. This will look something like below:

Click this button. A pop-up screen will now appear in which you can choose to transfer your students to another coach. This is not mandatory, but in case it is desired, select the name of the coach you would like to transfer the students to. Then afterwards click 'unenroll' again. 

You can also unenroll from courses through the general overview. Click on the title of course you want to unenroll from, and click on 'Unenroll'

Finally you can also unenroll within the course itself. To do this, click on 'more' right next to the title of the course. You will be redirected to a screen where you can add assistant coaches and unenroll.

Frequently asked questions:

  • Can I make courses invisible on the platform?
    No, courses can not be made invisible. Our vision is that all users should always have access to all courses. However, a school can decide that not all courses should be available, for example when there are no coaches that can teach a particular course. A school can then 'lock' these courses by request, so they can no longer be chosen.
  • I would like to add a course that is not available on the platform yet. Is this possible?
    Eventually we can add any possible course to the platform. A new course takes some time to develop though. Contact us if you have ideas you would like to explore.